...statue of liberty is mine...!

...statue of liberty is mine...!
...I'm just an hour old..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

...When A child Is Born...

Incomplete  Birth Certificate  
Registration Number: J105198
Registration Place: Penang and Butterworth
Child's Full Name: Sharon Shalom Luis
 Hospital: Bagan Specialist Centre, Butterworth  
 Time: 4.59pm                          Sex: Girl
 Date: 10/01/1992

 Father: Luis
 Occupation: Forwarding
 Race: Indian

 Mother: Jothi
 Occupation: Housewive
 Race: Indian

 Nickname: Mayire / Assron
 Notes: When she was born, she was very fair!

As You can see above, its a birth certificate which is like none other..hahax..! Let's travel 19 years back ago, (flashback), a mother who bore this child for 9 months is actually going to see her baby, the first born in the family...!  Imagine the joy and happiness. (Alleluia Chorus). This baby weigh, OMG,! Beratnya ! 3.75kg ! pheewit! Grew up into a beautiful and cute angel.
Angel's Highlights : Locked her mother int he bathroom
                              : Walking while watching TV, and bang into the wall
                              : Hurt her forehead with 2 stiches

Well, well who isn't cute when they were young..! hahax..! But trust me, she's super wild and still is cute, not forgetting a beautiful person inside and outside. I present You Sharon Shalom Luis!

Lights...camera..rolling...! The Truth..!

She's one of a kind...and her words and passion for heels like no other...She's Sharon Shalom Luis and yes You are reading this...=p...Pada mulanya...she looked completely arrogant and has that unfriendly look on her face...ana pathakha...pakka local! ( Straight from Lorong Susu) !..A soul so loving and full of D-R-A-M-A =)  not forgetting full of mayire in her words (that will never end)...this chick has lots of weird and interesting personality... A manusia so frank and honest in her speech but not intending to hurt anyone has something labelled on her which says
" This Is Me. Love Me, Hate Me, I don't care"
A cute monkey who lends a helping hand whenever she can and consumes vegetables for like most of the time! (so not carnivore-ish)..plus doesn't drink gas drink...! A fairy within( ehem ) but a lioness outside ( that's more like it), a rare homo-sapient which we are lucky to have among our midst, Sharon Shalom Luis!

^_^...You are not alone...^_^

From those around you!

Kiro: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T (_) V W X Y Z

Did I miss something? No I've put "U" safely in my heart..May God Bless You always..

Pavi: Your birthday should be a very special, a day for You to do all Your favourite things..It should be a day of Happiness  & Celebration, because Your so wonderful..Thinking how wonderful it is having You for  a friend, and wishing You all the Happiness and joyous a birthday can bring! You're just the bestest friend that there could be ever in the world

Teddy: Well I am really lucky..seriously and its all because I have a Friend Like You..

Nandy: Hey Chellam, HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY. Wishing You a Very very happy life and may God Bless You..!
Tons of love: Nandy

Shivaani: Hello Sharon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Naala Sapade
Naala Thaani Aadi
Naala Party Panne
and of course
Naala Study Panne
(epic fail tamil=)
Enjoy Your 19th Birthday. Take Care!

Govin: Dear Sharon @k@ laser mouth..Your a very nice and caring girl..I actually have a brother feeling towards You since I do look like Your brother..I think that's why You can be a pain in the ass at times..You might say things and throw words..I know you don't mean it at times but most of the time You do..haha..not a bad thing..I like straight forward people..and You are a straight forward alright..Thanks for being there for me when I needed You..

Saranya: Hey Sharon..You've been a great friend to me..Couldn't ask for anything better.. I really like Your ankle length SHOES and Your dressing...but most of the time..I love YOU and Your frankness..=) As far as I know, Your frank to me and I like it. Your the one I can always rely on when I need an honest opinion about anything..AND today is a big day for You..cause Your turning 19. The first among our friends, I guess..

Kannah: Dear Sharon, I haven't known You for that long..just over 6 months or so, but you've been an amazing friend during this time. I love how You're strong enough to go through all the ups and downs in life. You do things  Your own "Sharon Way" and You're cool like that =D Stay the same aite..! Btw, I hope No One got food poisoning from  the buns You were selling during the holidays..hahax..Take Care and Good Luck for the future =) I love You, Bitch!

Erick & Shang: Heya Sharon or must I call You akka..hahax Your 19 already, so fast..well
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR" It's been only like few months la we know each other but You are one special friend of mine..May You enjoy Your Birthday this year and hope You get all that You desire =) I'm once again sorry for trying to kill You my dear,hehex..
Enjoy Your life till the fullest Birthday Girl

Yo2: Dear lovely mavale Sharon, on this special date where You were born 19 years ago..I would like to wish You "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". May God Bless You..May You always be happy..smile always and succeed  in all Your cause..and last but not least..May You always HIDUP!!

Alex: Happy Birthday Miss Sharon =) Its been great knowing You! You're awesome and very fun to be with..You're also very brave *ehem ehem*! I really wish You all the best and I hope You have a great Birthday okay..!
P.S : When I work someday, I'll buy the black leather seluar ketat for You..
Love. Alex Raj

Ravi: Sharon, You've been a good friend and well trained in sarcasm..
"Wishing You A Wonderful BIRTHDAY"

Lidia: I just wanted You to know that You're one awesome chick..and a very helpful friend too..I love the way You laugh..Its so cute just like a toddler..haha..so smile while You still have teeth..just remember You're not old till You can't read this writing anymore..
Love Ya Hun!

Yo1: Sharon, first of all I would like to thank You for being such a wonderful and caring friend..I have never had a great friend like You who always is there for others whenever they are in trouble, who always tickles one's funny bones whenever he or she is not in a good mood and who always shares Your happiness and sadness with others. I'm very glad to have an interesting friend who has a high sense of humour like you..Thank You for being such a good friend and I hope our friendship will persist forever..
S: Sweet as marshmallow
H: Humble all the time
A: As caring as a mother
R: Respects others in a good way
O: Odd cause Your one in a million
N: Nice in such a way people are comfortable with

Shalini: Hey  Sharelle Sayang,
Wishing You many more HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY
Stay pretty always.. May God Bless You...

Kartun: Babloo, its me Your (mayire kartun)! Did You ever thought why we met..? I did and I realise that I've been gifted by God to meet this girl named Sharon..I always wonder why din we meet earlier...hmm,  still remember all the pain, sorrow, happiness, and laughter we went through together..all of those gives me exciting memories..never knowing the time past, it has been 6 months over since I know You..and now we're like "human & oxygen" ! So my words to You for Your 19th year is
" Count Your nights by stars, not shadows"
" Count Your life with smiles, not tears"
Wishing You good luck and don't forget to tease me okay..hehehe..love You always..

Kili: You've been a wonderful sister since I've known You..You are caring and a loving person whom I can my feelings to whenever I'm down... Your there for me and though I rarely tell You, I really do appreciate it.. The times we shared together really means the world to me and its the best gift a sister could get from a sister..Our fights are never long and always full of irritation and love
And On Your Birthday, I wish You everything that a sister could wish for a sister..
and with all love You deserve.." HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

Roy: Dearest Sharon, Its Your Birthday..and Your 19 now.." HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAYAANG" =) Looking back at the path and journey we went through form the day college started can seriously leave me in tears..in this short period of time we became so close..I cherish that..I always wished to have a younger sister like You Sharon..a loving and caring one..and I've told You that before..believe it or not..I've always felt appreciated and wanted whenever You are around..You find me,  talk to me and never once ignored me..the way You 'roy royy' me all the time..I can still hear the cute voice of yours when I think back..Yes at times I do get super irritated and even decide not to talk to You..but I swear I never mean to hurt You..well that never last for long..somehow I come back to You..You are very rare la deyh..seriously..hard to find this kinda thimiru but loving and caring girl like You..till today my mom ask me how's Sharon..hehex..I don't know what kind of friend/bro have I been to you..I gave my best I could..I'm sorry for all I did that might have hurt You..I don't know how many months more left for ME to irritate and disturb You...hope we appreciate every single moment left..Thank You so much for coming into my life da..Your someone that I can never erase just like that..You made an impact...If this day didn't exist in92" I wouldn't earn a sister like You..I do love You lotts Sharon.." HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAVALE..have a blessed and beautiful day on this day and the days to come...God bless You Sharon..

ps: this aint a DRAMA sharon..xD directly form my heart da

Rem: It seems as though yesterday was the 1st time I met You, unfortunately 6 months has already passed...In that 6 months there had been many great memories but Your 1 month absence made me realise how much we have done together..every place I go..there are memories of You there, even at the zoo, when I look at the animals, they remind me of You too but they are a bit less wild...hope after this You'll grow up and eat something else that's better and tastier than those veggies and chapati that You eat almost always..Be happy always wherever You may be...don't forget all of us okay...mavale, day by day having more of that aunty look, too much of oore gossip,,gonna miss my gossip buddy when Your not there...hope You like this birthday.." HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMMA"
May God and our beloved Ccaptain Vijaykanth Bless You Always...=p

Daddy: Aloha lil pooh bear..=p..okay, what do I think about You..well mostly nothing...=p...just kidding..well Your an amazing and awesome friend / sister / daughter..The first time I saw You..I had a thought your going to be someone high class with arrogant look where we will never talk and hang out..then turn out to be the opposite way..where Your a nice person and we daily hang out together where I got to handle Your childish nonsense character and get scolding for all the crazy reason which pop up in Your head where I have nothing to do with it but I would just like to Thank God for giving me a chance to have a friend as looney as You..." HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON LUIZ" and May God Bless You and Be With You..and a small thanks to Mich for giving me this chance..love both of You...
From: Bala @k@ daddy /pmb / big b....


..It'll always remain a family...=)


!...My heart only belongs to YOU...!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY"...I'm sorry for whatever I have done..I love You a lot b....I'm so lucky to have you in my life and I never want to loose you ever baby...You mean the whole world to me...I can't imagine a life without You...Whatever I say b..i don mean it...I thank God for You in my life...Your just one of a kind la b...I don't think I can ever have a girlfriend like you..I love You lots b.....
*T-nesharon Forever*
The age's 19 but the soul is 1...From this day onwards everything is a new mission...You do not know where your destiny leads you to after this...all You know is your petdog will be with you all the time...=)